The Strategic Foundations of the Knowledge Revival
The United Arab Emirates, thanks to its far-sighted vision, has made significant strides towards establishing a knowledge-based economy.
Starting from focusing on higher education to stimulating research and development, the UAE has managed to create an advanced educational and technological infrastructure.
This robust infrastructure serves as fertile ground for innovations and discoveries that are the backbone of any knowledge-based economy.
The Role of Education in Shaping the Future of the UAE
The UAE considers education as an investment in the future, and therefore, places quality education at the core of its development policies. Furthermore, universities in the UAE attract students from all over the world, as part of efforts to make the country a hub for creative and scientific thought globally.
Providing an educational environment that stimulates innovation contributes to producing generations capable of adapting to the changing times and competing in the global economy.
Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.
Nelson Mandela
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